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"I'm here because I don't want to forget how to think, and prove I'm a living thing."

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Thursday, December 6, 2012 8:31 AM | permalink | comment


Yes. It's Ashin's birthday. For years and years since sec2 I've wished each of the Mayday members during their birthday. I've even used p/s softwares to make special pictures as birthday gifts for them. I would make it a really BIG thing and let the whole world know it etc. But this year I didn't. None at all. The maximum I did was to change my facebook profile pic to their picture. That's all. I admit it was partially because I'm lazy but its mostly to say that I've grown out of it. Perhaps it's a process of growing up. Hah.

I no longer go fan-girling over any of the bands/singers I like. I no longer save their pictures, p/s them, look at how good looking they are. I don't declare and spam the news feed with my adoration. Not anymore. Yes. Its just the line "I've grown out of it." Now, perhaps I'm that kind who would sit down quietly alone to really appreciate their music rather than go around fan-girling. I don't know why. I don't have the passion for being a fangirl anymore and I find those who fangirls really annoying/irritating.

I often heard my friends saying etc, "I know right, her favourite is Mayday, and she thinks they are handsome etc etc etc".
I would then keep quiet. For times I would try to explain that I'm not the fangirl that you all thought but later on I felt it was useless to explain and the best was to keep quiet. And let them forget about it.

But still, I'm here to make a birthday post about Ashin. Cause he's not anyone typical. Not a typical band/person/idol that I drool over. In fact, I don't really drool over/fangirl  him. He doesn't make my adrenaline rush. He don't stimulate my hormones. Perhaps some rock hormones, yes.

I first listened to the Mayday songs because I felt that they're nice. Thats all. Just like most people would. But as I got to know them more, I've realized it was more than that. I can actually feel the emotions that lies beyond each and every of their songs. I loved Ashin's lyrics. They are so beautiful and amazing. It's almost lifelike. It triggers lots of my emotions. And I'v learnt alot about life from them. It teaches you the values of life, secretly and quietly, without you knowing, unlike those propaganda-like CE (Character Education) lessons that we all do in schools. I know I'm probably not a very wonderful person, but I'm sure Mayday has made me a better person. Yeah. I don't want to go indepth and keep explaining how Mayday has influenced me, because I had all written it in my Sina Chinese blog.

I just want to thank them. Especially him. He changed my life. I admire him for his talent and I pursue to be like him. Not those fangirlish feelings, but I sometimes felt that he is the best/most wonderful/perfect person in the world. Everything about him. Not just words can describe. You don't judge him with his appearence, typical Tai-Ke guy, with brown golden hair cool-ly styled. And you don't judge him just because he's a typical Taiwanese who can't speak proper English at all. He has so much within him, and you will love him so much once you knew them.

Just wanna really say a thank you to him. I love him and I wish the best for him. He's 37 this year. I've never find him too old. No matter how many more years later. No matter how much you-call-it middle-age-weight he has put on. No matter how signs of age catch up on his face. Cause he's just perfect living pure awesomeness.

And I say a Happy Birthday to him.

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